Events / Book Launches

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    Book Celebration: Female Faith Practices

    Join us this Friday at 5.30 pm at Queen's to celebrate the latest publication of the Symposium on the Faith Lives of Women and Girls, Female Faith Practices, co-edited by Nicola Slee, Dawn Llewellyn, Kim Wasey and Lindsey Taylor-Gutharz. The book includes essays on female faith practices in Islam, Judaism, Christianity and more. Please contact Nicola Slee for details if you wish to attend in person or via zoom.
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    Book Launch: From the Shores of Silence

    Save The Date: 30th June 2023, 3pm to 5pm at the Queen's Foundation, Somerset Road, Birmingham.
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    Abba Amma - Book conversation

    You are warmly invited to our next book conversation, celebrating the publication of 'Abba Amma, improvisations on the Lord's Prayer' by Nicola Slee, on 15th June at 4.00 pm either via Zoom or on campus in the Wakefield Room. To register please go to:
  • The Meanings of Discipleship - Book Conversation

    Do join us for a book conversation about 'The Meanings of Discipleship' edited by Andrew Hayes and Stephen Cherry. A chance to discuss historical understandings of discipleship and how they relate to today's challenges.
  • Books Launch - 3 books

    Forbidden Fruits and fig leaves by Judith Rossall Overcoming self-negation by Carlton turner Fragments for fractured times by Nicola Slee