Everyday People - Your Call Conference - 15-17th July 2016

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The Church of England is committed to encouraging more minority ethnic women and men to join the ordained ministry and so to more wonderfully reflect the face of Jesus Christ in the leadership of our churches.

The Queen's Foundation is hosting a 2-day conference from the 15-17 July 2016 for people to come and explore ministry in the Church of England. This promises to be a time of blessing, including story-telling, study, worship and an opportunity to speak out.

The cost for the conference is £50, but if you're in the Birmingham or Manchester dioceses your tickets will be subsidised to just £15.

Funding is available and we don't want finances to be a barrier to you attending, so get in touch if you have queries: The Revd Canon Faith Claringbull at ddo@cofebirmingham.com.

For further details, click here.