Memorial Service for the Rt Revd John Habgood

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The Memorial Service for the life of former Principal of Queen's, the Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord John Stapylton Habgood PC will take place at York Minster on Thursday 27th June 2019 at 11.00 am. It is anticipated that the service will last around 90 minutes.

In order that the right ticket be allocated to you for the correct seating area / procession (if applicable), the attached ticket request form should be completed and returned (preferably by email) to Susan Hodgson, PA to the Dean of York ( or by post to Susan Hodgson, PA to the Dean of York, Church House, Ogleforth, York YO1 7JN. RSVP deadline: Friday 7th June 201

There will also be some unallocated seating available on the day for anyone else wishing to attend this service.