Interlibrary Loans

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If you are looking for a monograph or journal article which is not held in the library or online via a library subscription, you are welcome to ask the librarian about either purchasing the item or obtaining it from an alternative source.

For monographs, we encourage you to use other local libraries (see SCONUL and Other Libraries). Public libraries provide an interlibrary loans service for a fee. The level of subsidy for this service depends on the local authority.

For journal articles, we encourage you to use Access to Research, a free service which is available through your local public library. A number of major journal publishers, including Sage, Wiley, and Taylor & Francis, make their online content available through this initiative. A full list of participating publishers is available here:

Access to Research: Participating Publishers

Alternatively, we may be able to obtain items for you from another theological library.

Please note that we are not part of the British Library’s Document Supply Service (BLDSS).