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The Queen's Foundation Lecture
We are delighted to offer the annual Queen's Foundation Lecture. The Queen's Foundation Lecture is aimed at providing a platform for significant theologians to reflect on contemporary challenges to the church.
- The 2019 Queen's Foundation Lecture was given by Revd Dr Stephen Cherry entitled: 'Is Forgiveness the Answer? Reflections on Living Well after Violence, Abuse or Violence'.
- The 2018 Queen's Foundation Lecture was given by Professor Sarah Coakley entitled: 'Christian Worship and Desire'.
- The 2017 Queen's Foundation Lecture was given by Revd Dr Alison Milbank entitled: 'The Anglican Mission to Place: Reimagining the Parish for the Twenty First Century'.
- The 2016 Queen's Foundation Lecture was given by Revd Dr Sam Wells entitled: 'Towards a Prophetic Church of England'.
In memoriam
The Queen's Foundation Lecture is launched in memory of Professor John M. Hull. John was a tutor at Queen's from 2004 until his death in the summer of 2015. The title of the inaugural lecture 'Towards a Prophetic Church of England' draws from John's latest book Towards a Prophetic Church published by SCM Press in 2014.
The lecture was given at All Saints Kings Heath, where John was actively involved for many years