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Revd Dr Barbara Glasson
Job Title | Methodist Tutor | |
I grew up in the Kent countryside before studying Agricultural Sciences at Nottingham University. I had various jobs in plant sciences before producing and raising three children. When the youngest started school I candidated for the Methodist ministry and trained on the East Midlands Ministerial Training course and concurrently took an MA at Hull University. I served in two appointments in Liverpool, one of which was developing an emerging Church in the city centre. I have also worked at Holy Rood House, Thirsk to support survivors of sexual abuse. During this time I completed my PhD. Before coming to the Queen's Foundation I was the Team Leader at an interfaith project in Bradford, West Yorkshire and also Deputy Chair of the Yorkshire West District. In 2020 I became the President of the Methodist Conference in Britain. I am a Churchill Fellow and in 2018 received the Archbishop of Canterbury award for my work in Peace and Reconciliation.
- Qualifications
1974 BSc Agricultural Sciences, Nottingham University
1993 Diploma in Theology, Nottingham University
MA Industrial Theology, Hull University
2001 PhD Bastards and Nonconformists - changes in lone parenting since 1900 and the response of the Methodist Church in Theology and Practice, Nottingham University
- Roles and responsibilities
I am a part-time tutor for Pastoral Studies. I am a personal tutor. I am a partner in the teaching on the Partners in Theological education initiative. I contribute to the teaching of interfaith studies. I am a supervisor for the MA programme.
- External Roles and Responsibilities
I am President of the Methodist Peace Fellowship and Patron of the Open Table network. I also have responsibilities as a past President of the Methodist Conference.
- Publications
Unmasking Methodist Theology, ed Clive Marsh, Brian Beck, Angela Shier-Jones, Helen Wareing Bloomsbury (2004)
Mixed Up Blessing, Inspire (2006)
I am Somewhere Else, Darton, Longman and Todd (2006)
A Spirituality of Survival, Continuum (2009)
The Exuberant Church, Darton Longman and Todd (2011)
Positive Prayers for Cities, Kevin Mayhew (2015)
Eating Curry for Heaven's Sake, Kevin Mayhew (2015)
Acting in God's Love, Christian Witness in a Multi-religious world, Glasson and Evans-Hill, CTBI (2018)
So What's the Story ...? Glasson and Marsh, Darton Longman and Todd (2019) Reflections on the Water, Kevin Mayhew (2021)