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Revd Dr Catrin Harland-Davies
Job Title | Director, Centre for Continuing Ministerial Development | | |
Telephone | 0121 452 2668 |
Room no. | Room 31, New Building |
After training for presbyteral ministry at Wesley House, Cambridge, I ministered for 5 years in West Sussex, followed by 10 years as a chaplain to the University of Sheffield, before coming to Queen’s. Alongside this ministry, I studied for my PhD in New Testament studies, looking at the use of the image of ‘priesthood’ as an identity-shaping concept for the early church.
- Qualifications
1999 BA (Law) Oxford University 2003 BA (Theology & Religious Studies) Cambridge University 2013 PhD Cambridge University - Roles and Responsibilities
As Director of the Centre for Continuing Ministerial Development, I support sponsored and independent students who are completing a BA or engaging in taught postgraduate studies as part of their ongoing learning and growth in ministry. In particular, I have responsibility for the programme followed by Methodist probationer presbyters and deacons at Queen’s
and our study programmes for Anglican curates.
I am also a Methodist tutor, working within the Centre for Ministerial Formation, and I teach on modules in the areas of biblical studies (particularly New Testament), leadership, and reflection on ordained ministry. As Director of Studies for taught postgraduate programmes, I support students in navigating the requirements and regulations of their studies.
- External roles and responsibilities
Prior to coming to Queen’s as a tutor, I served for six years on the Oversight Committee for the Queen’s Connexional Course. I have also served on and chaired the MHEC executive, a group which supports and represents Methodist Higher Education Chaplains. I am currently a member of the Methodist Church’s Faith and Order Committee, and a trustee for the Fernley Hartley Trust, which aims to encourage Methodist theological study, by funding an annual lecture. I am also a member of the Board of Studies for Worship: Leading and Preaching, the course of study for those training as lay preachers and worship leaders in the Methodist Church.
- Research interests and supervision
My main area of interest focuses around the development of the ecclesiology and patterns of ministry in the early church. My doctoral research considered the use of the metaphor of ‘priesthood’ or ‘priests’, as applied particularly to the early Christian communities of Asia Minor (1 Peter and Revelation). I continue to be interested particularly in the Catholic Epistles, the use of priestly and temple imagery, and the ways in which Jewish imagery and scripture was understood within gentile Christian congregations. I am also interested in Acts and the Pastoral Epistles, particularly as sources for the development of structure and ministry within first century Christianity.
This sits alongside an interest in the ways in which ministry, leadership and oversight are viewed and exercised in contemporary Methodism, and in particular the ways in which these can constrain or liberate the Church’s mission, and enable or disable the discernment, nurturing and commissioning of vocation within church communities.
I am interested in supervising in any of these areas.
- Publications
I have contributed for a number of years to Fresh from the Word (Oxford; Lion Hudson), a book of daily Bible reading notes, published annually by the International Bible Reading Association.