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Thursday 22nd June 2017
Queen’s also hosts a monthly Black Theology Forum (BTF). The BTF has been in existence since 1993/4. It was the initial brain child of the Revd Dr Emmanuel Lartey, the Revd Dr George Mulrain and the Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal, all three of whom are Methodist Ministers whose formative experiences were spent in the wider expanses of the British Empire. The Black Theology Forum (BTF) has had several homes. Its first meetings were in Kingsmead College (a Methodist Mission training college in Selly Oak). Later meetings took place at the Centre for Black and White Christian Partnership, which in turn was followed by another move to Elmfield House, at the University of Birmingham. The BTF moved to its current home at the Queen’s Foundation in 2004. In all that time, the BTF has been arguably the most important site for the verbal articulation of Black theology in Britain.
Dr Dulcie McKenzie, tutor in Black theology, Black ministries and leadership now chairs the BTF at Queen's, which offers an opportunity to explore Black and Asian liberation theologies through critical conversations on a wide range of topics that merge scholarship and transformative practice.
The BTF convenes once a month, usually on the fourth Thursday during term time, and admission is free. Anyone who identifies as Black and Asian is welcome to attend. Refreshments are available. To register your attendance, please email Gail Harris in advance of the BTF.
For more information about the forum, or for anyone who would like to send a proposal for a presentation, email Dr Dulcie McKenzie.
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