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Admissions process - Methodist
Methodist students
Those entering the candidating process are invited by the Methodist Church to register for the Candidates’ Open Day. This provides an opportunity to find out about the Queen’s Foundation, pathways and programmes for initial ministerial training. Circuit, District and Connexional selection processes then take place. Once candidates have been recommended for training, they are invited to have a conversation with a Queen's tutor and a member of the Allocations Panel (usually in mid-May). Following those conversations, the Allocations Panel directs recommended candidates to either full-time or part-time training. Students and the Queen’s Foundation are notified of the outcome of this by connexional officers at the same time. All candidates are guaranteed an offer of a place of study at the Queen’s Foundation at this stage. To confirm the academic qualification that will be studied the Queen’s Foundation is sent information relating to applicants’ selection including application and portfolio. The Queen’s Foundation Admissions panel reviews these and requests any required additional information regarding possible academic admission options from the candidate – usually dependent on previous academic history. Final decisions on pathways are referred back to the candidate and Connexion as applicable for approval. All confirmed candidates receive an offer confirming academic study programme and other relevant details signed by the Director of Methodist Formation. After accepting a place at this stage all candidates are offered a 14 day cooling off period to withdraw from this contract.
At the induction process prior to the beginning of the course, further registration details will be requested to comply with university and HESA data collection requirements. None of the details requested at this stage will affect the outcome of any offer previously made.